Accommodation and Crisis

Accommodation and Crisis

If you urgently need accommodation, please contact Safe Steps on 1800 015 188.

Emerge supports women and children referred through Safe Steps into safe housing.

The reality is that the minute women and children escape family violence, they are homeless or at risk of homelessness. Emerge has several housing programs in place to keep women and children referred through Safe Steps safe and housed.


Emerge has a high security refuge where women and children can stay when fleeing family violence.

If you urgently need accommodation, please contact Safe Steps on 1800 015 188.


Crisis accommodation is an important final step for the women and children leaving refuge to integrate into the community and be supported while seeking other housing.

We have several crisis houses for women and children who are leaving refuge and need short term accommodation and our families are fully supported by our outreach services while in these properties.


Transitional housing provides a longer stay option to crisis accommodation and is often the first step back out into the community for our families.

Emerge has the rights to nine transitional properties for women and children to live after they seek refuge. These houses assist women and children in building links within the local community and provide access to other support services.

These houses are a crucial step in the path to recovery for women and their children, giving them the option to safe housing if they are not yet ready to live independently.

Experiencing family violence? Click below to make a plan that works for you.

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